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Commanderie de BORDEAUX, Singapore

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Our Roots

Founded in 1985, the Commanderie de Bordeaux Singapore is one of 95 Commanderies globally in 28 countries. All Commanderies are under the central patronage of Grand Conseil du Vin de Bordeaux (GCVB). Founded in 1952, the GCVB is an association of wine professionals representing one or several appellations. The role of the Grand Conseil du Vin de Bordeaux is to contribute to promoting the renown and influence of Bordeaux wines, by conveying their image of excellence.

Commanderie Singapore

Like real embassies for Bordeaux wine, the Commanderies de Bordeaux across the World are comprised of wine lovers and wine professionals, who share the same enthusiasm and act as representatives for all the wines of Bordeaux in their city or country.

The Commanderie seeks diversity in Membership and welcomes all who loves Bordeaux wines and the company of fellow Bordeaux lovers.

Our Mission

The Commanderie de Bordeaux Singapore, which is currently led by the Maître Stéphane Benoist, also seeks to broaden and deepen the education and knowledge of Bordeaux wines by organising thematic wine tastings such as vertical and horizontal tastings.

Our previous Maîtres include Jeremy Ramsey, Donald Wong, Keith Kuo, Wong Kok Leong, David Ong and Pang Hee Hon.

“Bordeaux, toujours Bordeaux”

The Official Song of the Grand Conseil de Bordeaux

In 1996, the Grand Conseil de Bordeaux declared a contest for the composition of an anthem in praise of Bordeaux wine. Members, called “Commandeurs,” from around the world were encouraged to participate. Submissions came from Europe, French-speaking Canada, and the United States.

“Bordeaux, toujours Bordeaux”, the winning bid, was composed by Eric E. Vogt, Maître of Boston, and presented live at a gathering of the Grand Conseil de Bordeaux at Châteaux de Roquetaillade, June 25, 1998.

© 2022 by Commanderie de Bordeaux Singapore

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