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Commanderie de BORDEAUX, Singapore

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Bordeaux Vinous Facts

Bordeaux is a port city near the Atlantic coast, in the southwest of France. With a population in the metropolitan area of some 800,000, Bordeaux is the fifth largest city in France.

The Bordeaux wine region spreads 60 miles around the city of Bordeaux, which is situated on the biggest estuary in Europe. This estuary is fed in turn by three rivers: Gironde, Garonne and Dordogne.

The characteristics of different vineyards are strongly influenced by their positioning relative to these rivers. The climate in Bordeaux is generally temperate, with a short winter and a high degree of humidity generated by the close proximity of the Atlantic Ocean.

To learn more about Bordeaux Wines.


Map of Bordeaux Vineyards

Bordeaux Vineyards & Grape Varieties

Bordeaux Wine Infographic

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